What Is More Preferable: PHP Or Node.Js?

August 15, 2015

What Is More Preferable: PHP Or Node.Js?

When it comes to development; PHP is the one that is most preferable. It has become another name for development. However, there are several other programming languages that can be used for development purpose.

Today, in this blog post from Softqube Technologies; PHP Development Company, we will discuss about two of the programming languages i.e. PHP and Node.js and decide which one is the most preferable?

PHP Vs. Node.js:

  • Creating a Web Page: To test; which one is more suitable to develop a web page. We first tried it on PHP and then Node.js. Here, we found that PHP excels as more of the hosts have made it easy.

    This means today maximum number of web hosting platforms easily support PHP. This is very easy for those who are new to the programming field. On the other hand, if you wish to develop local page then for PHP; some server stack is needed and for Node; it is necessary to get Node installed.

    But again here; PHP is very simple while the later one is a little bit complex.

  • Support & Assistance: Even if you are an expert programmer; you may face some issues during development process. No surprises, here also PHP wins.

    The reason; PHP has a wide community which makes it easy for developers to get quick solutions to the problems thus making the development process quick and simple. Talking about Node.js; we will say it is yet developing and to be honest; very less assistance and support is available.

    So, beginners please avoid using Node till you have good grip on coding.

  • Language Syntax: This showcases the simplicity of Syntax of both the languages. Fortunately here, Node.js wins.

    So, why PHP lacks here? Yes, PHP has some issues but these are rectified quickly and with the new release many of the issues will be removed. If we talk about Java script then here the server environment differs from that of the client.

    New Syntax cannot be used in the browser and this is like switching among the languages. The new ECMA Script 2015 will offer some new amazing features to the language. JavaScript is powerful as well as flexible and can get easily adjusted to several different programming styles.

  • Technological Environment: Here, we will throw a glance on how technologies can be implemented using PHP as well as Node.js. When it comes to web development; there’s no better answer but PHP wins.

    PHP has several tools for desktop development. But these are rarely used by developers. However, the command line aspect in PHP is used properly. If we discuss about node.js then its several features like as Speed, scalability as well as low resource usage makes it well suited for many other kinds of applications.

    Node.js also has introduced projects like as NW.js that is used to write native apps using HTML as well as JavaScript.

Wind Up

From the above discussion; we can say that PHP is and will always be the best programming language. Yes, JavaScript is also good but most of the developers prefer PHP. PHP also has its limitations however its features are enough to cover them all.

We don’t stress on using PHP but we feel that yes it is one of the languages that is useful to all beginners as well as experts

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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