How to Know Whether a Person is Really a UX Designer or Not?

December 22, 2015

How to Know Whether a Person is Really a UX Designer or Not?

The increasing demand of websites has led to the craze in youngsters to make career in web designing field. As a result, we can find thousands of designers in the industry but the thing is how can we recognize which one is suitable and perfect?

How to identify the experienced ones? How to check whether the web designer is actually able to develop a website that gives proper user experience? This is really a tough task. Isn’t it?

Our today’s blog post will show you how to make such tough task an easier one.

These Signs reveal that a Person is not a UX Designer:

  • One who says that he/she has made wireframes: Wire framing is used as one of the several ways to show that a person is actually a UX designer. Yes, wire frames are important for effective designs and these also serve as visual portfolio to showcase your experience as User experience designer.However, here the main thing is both employers and designers lack the perfect purpose of wire frames. So, here we have mentioned it:
    “Wire Frames are created for proper distribution of existing content so that it can be tested before the graphic interface and the code are actually developed”.

    So, now it will be easy to understand the role of wireframes in the web design world. The most important thing here is wireframes are to be developed only once you have the content draft ready.

    If the wireframes are developed before actually the draft is ready then this is a matter of doubt. The main thing is to offer effective user experience and this is an iterative process. Brands must know how to showcase their voice and image and UX designers must only adopt those processes that actually make sense.

    So, we can say that if any designer boasts of developing a wireframe without actually developing a data draft then he/she is likely to be a fake one because data is the thing that really enhances the user experience.

  • Designer says that an App is designed by him/her for App Store: It is the normal answer that designers give when asked as to what makes them a UX designer. Using the name “App Store” is like giving a reputation to oneself.Just developing apps for App store doesn’t make anyone a UX designer.

    So, whosoever says you that they have developed an app on App store; just ask them the process and check it. If the app is available, you can download it and see whether it is really user friendly or not.

  • I have my own process: There are designers who say they have their own process. This is a wrong way to describe yourself as a user experience designer. Generally, user experience designers are defined by their own process as well as structure that can be used by other designers and clients.

    A simple process consists of business goals, information structure, content development, wire framing, testing and then further levels. Those who follow this process can be considered as perfect UX designers and not the ones who say they have their own process to follow.

  • Designers learn when the content is live: Data is the best friend of any UX designer. Every step and idea must go beyond the designer. A successful UX design is defined by numbers and one can be as creative as one wants.

    But if there are any mistakes then people will definitely find them. Hence, it is necessary to reduce as many of them as you can.

  • When designers say they are creative and technical people: User experience designers are always technical people. If they are not technical, they are not UX designers. In order to make any design user friendly, designers must have technical knowledge instead of just having creativity.Creativity cannot always work well in reality. Hence, to make your idea workout; it is necessary to have technical and operative skills. It is necessary to know how information can be distributed with the use of design.

    Knowing all stuff is not harder than reading this article. The job of the UX designer is to stay updated with technical requirements which are involved in implementing and enhancing the informed opinion which one must always think is right.

    User experience is all about process and interpretation and not ideas and assumption.

  • Once the product is developed, designers can move on: There’s no such thing as completed product when it comes to user experience design. So, whenever a designer says this; he/she cannot be a proper UX designer.A user experience designer cannot just come from product development but also proving its success and it must be successful overall. In case you are the one who is less focused then just keep in mind that behind a product, business goals are attached.

    The task of UX designer is to achieve those goals by making it easier on every step.

Wind Up:

Next time when you will be hiring any UX designer, make sure to keep these things in mind and select the one who is user experience designer in real terms. Hope this blog post was useful to you.

For more such guidance, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; an IT firm that offers responsive web design services at affordable costs.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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