Credit Card Payment Systems for eCommerce Solutions

April 16, 2015

When it comes to online business, online payment is one of the important things that is to be considered. It’s necessary to render easy online shopping experience to people and so it’s important that your eCommerce store must have sufficient Payment methods available so as to make it easy for customers to make payment by any of their selected methods.

Certain Payment methods include Net Banking, Debit card, Cash card, Reward Points and more. However, there are very few Payment Gateways that actually offer the option to pay via Credit cards. For small businesses, it’s necessary to have this option on their eCommerce store.

However, the question is how can a small business accept credit card payments?

Offering credit card as a payment option makes it more convenient for people to do online purchases and sometimes it becomes easy for buyers to carry out purchases of huge amounts. If you take a look at well known eCommerce shopping sites then they all offer this system.

Credit Card Payment Systems for eCommerce Solutions

Now, it’s the turn of small businesses to do so. Here’s the way to enable credit card payments in your eCommerce store.

Including Credit Card as one of the Payment mode:

While doing online business, it’s advisable to offer as many payment options as you can. This is because it encourages customers to carry out several transactions from your e- store and you can also have huge number of loyal customers.

Several eCommerce platforms such as Volusion offer simple credit card payment systems which can easily be integrated in your eCommerce store. Such services make funds transfer easier and quick thus increasing confidence in customer.

Apart from this, you can also get a perfect credit card payment system designed from well known eCommerce Solution providers like Softqube Technologies. However, before actually selecting any firm to get any systems developed for your online store, make sure they offer services at Affordable rates, safe and secure systems as well as render 24/7 customer support, the reason being these are useful features when there’s an actual need for assistance.

Also, you can decide as to which Payment gateway you wish to include in your online store for accepting payments. Some of the well known payment systems are as follows:

  • PayPal
  • Cybersource
  • Verisign
  • Authorize.Net

In case you don’t have any merchant account then you can easily create one with the help of these providers. Yes, before actually setting up a credit card payment system; make sure you are aware about the complete terms and conditions of credit card processing along with fees.

Here are a few highlights of what actually are the charges of credit card processing:

  • For less than 1000 transactions, a small monthly processing fee of $10 to $100 is applicable.
  • Transaction fees near to 3- 5% are also applicable on every transaction.
  • Certain Payment gateways also charge start up fees and these are waived off later.
Wind Up

Hence, get proper details about your credit card process, payment gateways and more and then select the one that actually meets your needs. You can also get a perfect credit card payment system developed by experienced eCommerce experts.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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