Is Website Speed Really Important?

August 31, 2015

Is Website Speed Really Important?

Many times we have discussed and even today we say that Website speed is really important. But is it really so important? Well, let’s take a look at what exactly is the significance of the website speed and how this can be useful in keeping the customers stick to your site as well as help in getting better SEO rankings.

This blog post from Softqube Technologies, Web Development Company India will show the significance of Website speed:

Significance of Website Speed:

Significance of Website Speed

Often you will find websites having speed issues as well as improper SEO rankings. The main reason for this is slow site speed. Website loading time is a main factor that enhances user experience as users don’t like to wait for web pages to get loaded.

Site speed is one of the factors that Google considers for search rankings. However, apart from just SEO issues and speed issues, there are many such other issues which we will discuss here:

Effects of Slow Website:

There are many companies who have faced lot of problems due to slow websites. Amazon, Bing , Google, Shopzilla are few of them. Let’s find out what they actually faced:

  • Shopzilla: Shopzilla re designed its website few years ago. During that time, they received 29 million unique visitors every month with 8000 searches per second. Hence, it became mandatory for them to optimize the website to handle such huge traffic.

    Improvements in website led to constant changes such as reduction in loading times which now became less than 5 seconds. This increased their growth wherein conversion rates went up by 12% as well as page views increased up to 25%.

    So, here you can imagine how page views got increased by just improving the website speed.

    Another similar case is of Google; let’s see how Website speed helped Google:

  • Google: The entire team of Google conducted an experiment for search results of any web page and then the effects were examined via search results. After proper evaluation, they saw that searches from maximum search results were 25% less.

    This shows that users got what they wanted on the first page itself as a result they had to perform less searches. It was just an assumption. The main reason was searches had reduced due to maximum page loading times.

    The group with more search results had pages that took more time to respond while those with fewer results had the page loaded quicker in just 0.4 seconds. From this Google concluded that few milliseconds of delay can lead to huge reduction in page impressions.

From these two cases; we can understand how important Website speed is. If you are thinking that your website too is having less users then website speed can be one of the reasons for the same.

Wind Up

This shows that website speed is of utmost importance and it must be of top priority when one wants to have a great website developed for the business. We can say that slow websites will have negative effects on the profit, conversion rates, usability as well as the most important thing- user experience.

So, now if you really feel that your website has less traffic then it’s time to re think about its loading speed. You can get in touch with experts who can guide you properly about maintaining the loading speed as well as get effective professional websites developed.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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