Tech Update: Android and Apple Apps can work on Windows
May 3, 2015

Have a Windows Phone and wish to use Android Apps? Yes, you can do so as Microsoft is now making it simple and easy to use Android and apple apps on Windows Phone. As per Microsoft, developers avoid creating apps for Windows phone as these have fewer users as compared to that of Android and Apple.
As a result, very few people prefer devices that have less apps and so the demand for Windows phones saw a huge decrease. So, in order to see spurt in the sale of Windows phone, Microsoft decided to include android apps as more apps will attract users to buy the device.

Android Apps for Windows Phone:
This is one of the biggest steps taken by Microsoft to turn the attention of developers towards creating apps for Windows phones. As per Executive Vice President Terry Myerson, developers now will be able to use Android codes to transform their apps into Windows Compatible versions thus enabling the apps to work on Windows phone.
Once this code is transformed then these apps will technically be known as Windows apps and will be available from Microsoft’s Online App Store. These apps will then use various Microsoft services like Bing Maps in the similar way as Android apps make use of Google Services.
Further, this will also make easier for iOs developers to develop Windows apps as now Microsoft’s developer software will be compatible with objective C language which is the main programming language used by Apple.
For instance, King is a game maker company that successfully transformed its app code from iOs to Windows. However, to show its success it needs to provide a proof where android app can be seen working perfectly on the Windows Phone.
Till now there are no comments on this From Apple and Google. But if we look at the Statistic Analysis then Microsoft covers only 3% of global smart phone market while on the other hand; Android as well as Apple covers 81% and 15% market respectively.
Hence, now it will be easy for developers to port Android apps into Windows version and this also makes it convenient for Windows Phone users to use their favourite Android apps on their device. This is really a good decision made by Microsoft which will expand its sales as well as lead to more growth in the mobile market share.
The saying “Thirsty crow always finds its way” is properly apt here.
Other updates from Microsoft:
Microsoft’s Windows 10 will release by this summer and will run across all PCs, tablets and phones and it aims for one billion devices to run Windows 10 within a span of two three years. Microsoft’s new browser Microsoft Edge will soon be released which will replace Internet Explorer when Windows 10 is successfully released.
Hope Microsoft will now lead the market with its newest Windows version as well as its new browser Microsoft Edge.
Wind Up
Really interesting news isn’t it? For Windows users, this will be a boon. For developers, it may be a little tough to make Android apps compatible for Windows device. Hope this blog post has made you aware about the latest hi happenings in Microsoft. Stay tuned with us to know more about latest IT updates.
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