IPhone and Android Apps that can Help you to Keep your New Year’s Resolutions

January 4, 2016

IPhone and Android Apps that can Help you to Keep your New Year’s Resolutions

As New Year arrives, we all start making different New Year resolutions. Among us, very few will actually keep their resolutions. As per the research, 25% of us will be away from their goals the next week itself.

Till half year, most of the important things will be left over. This means New Year resolution is just a way to say ourselves we will progress ahead, we will change habits, shun bad habits but very few people actually apply them.

Rest of us, just keep them on paper and hardly apply in real life. So, why does this happen? Is it due to lack of motivation, dedication or other things? Yes, this may be possible.

But in case you lack in these areas then you can get help from the apps. There are such apps that perfectly suit your resolutions and help you to maintain them.

Here’s a list of these apps that will help you:

  • Get Moving: The best resolution that everyone makes on every New Year; I will focus on fitness. An app known as C2K5 will help you to keep this resolution during the entire year and actually achieve it.


    Apart from this, there are many such app options that can help you. But there are very few that actually motivate you. C25K is the smartphone version of popular Couch to 5 k workout plan.

    This does the same thing that one performs according to guided daily programmes. These can be between short bursts of walking and running till you are ready to walk for long distance.

    It also provides facility to listen to your choice of music while performing the runs. Also, a digital trainer is available to let you know what is coming up next.

    This app is available for free in App store as well as Google Play.

  • Calculate your calories: Another hot favourite among the huge resolutions list is the resolution to lose weight. An app known as MyFitness Pal is very useful here.

    This app will help you out to fulfill your resolution to become fit. The app works as a diet tracker and calorie counter. This shows you how many calories you need every day to reduce pounds of weight.

    Just your meals consumed and this app will help you to update remaining calories available for the day. MyFitness Pal is available for free in App Store and Google Play.

  • Increase Savings: Yet another important resolution is to save money. For this New Year resolution, there’s an app known as Mint-Personal Finance & Money Manager.

    This application makes it possible to keep a track of income and expenses, sync up with current financial accounts, prepare a budget and then start saving. This reduces the unnecessary habits and thus many opportunities get widened for savings.

    The information can be accessed from several mobile devices, desktop as well as laptop computers.

    This one is also available for free in App Store and Google Play.

  • Keep things in an organized form: Among the basic ones; this one is yet another New Year Resolution which is taken by most of the people. To support these people; an app called 24me is available which can easily transform this resolution into reality.

    Do you keep missing things or meetings? Easily forget important dates? Then it is the time for pocket sized personal assistant.

    It becomes easier to get organized with 24me. This is the to do app which keeps a check on all your calendars, contacts, notes etc and then lists and manages everything with a glance.

    24me is available for free in App store and Google Play.

  • Do some smart work rather than hard work: An important decision made by people who wish to progress ahead. Quip is an app for all those who have the New Year resolution of going ahead in career.

    It is not possible for any person to be at two places at the same time. Quip is the next big thing. Irrespective of where you are; you can easily keep in contact with your boss, employees as well as project mates.

    One can chat, dive into active group document or add few essential points from anywhere.

    Download this app today. It is available for free in App Store and Google Play.

  • Have peaceful mind: Most of us have this as New Year resolution i.e. to practice mindfulness. The perfect solution to this is an app known as Buddhify. This app will help you to fulfill this New Year’s resolution.

    This app includes 80+ guided meditations that are suited for any occasion such as walking, eating, feeling stressed, surfing internet and more. Choose the mindfulness exercise which suits you the best at any point of time.

    Buddhify is available for $4.99 in App store and $2.99 in Google Play.

Wind Up:

So, what are you waiting for? Try out these apps and fulfill your New Year resolutions without laying them further to next year.

Hope this blog post was useful to you? For more such informative posts; stay tuned to Softqube Technologies; App Development Company India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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