How to have great User Experience?

September 21, 2015

When it comes to improving user experience, there are endless ways to do so. However, just search on Google and you will get various ways to boost the experience. Most of the results are based on tactical activities such as UI design trends, how to design articles, software tools and tutorials as well as fundamentals principles for UX design and development.

These are all important but these play only a small role when delivering a successful product which offers proper value to its users as well as your business. The product should actually help people to do things quickly and easily with accuracy.

Great user experience depends on how you think about the things from users view point. It is derived from the decision that you take about the tactical work. It is not about the decisions that you make; it is the entire matter of thinking and arriving at those decisions.

User experience does not depend on the look and feel of the content on the screen. The thing is whether these things are available in first place or not.

How is UX design actually prepared?

  • Beginning with themes: Let’s say the web development team is using Bootstrap to develop a user friendly design. So, what will one first do? Obviously, the pre built bootstrap theme is selected. Then this theme can be the foundation of UI and UX design and it is available till the launch. This pre built theme actually looks nice but this was developed in vacuum. It doesn’t take into consideration the design and development of the project.
  • Using the work of other designers and developers: When you start developing a design, the first thing you look at is a blank screen. In order to get the idea of the design, designers take a look at others work on Pinterest, Dribble etc. But this is actually wrong. Looking at others work won’t give you the perfect idea as to what design to prepare. The design that you are looking to is actually the solution of someone else’s problem. This problem may not be similar to the one of your clients as well as users. Here, it is not at all advisable to get the idea from someone else’s work.
  • Making use of current UI trends: So, you got a client to get the website designed but are you thinking of doing a flat design as this is today’s hot trend and is used to most of the interactions. Designers directly adopt the design without knowing the situation or the need of the client. Most of the flat designs contain visual accordance that clearly define the purpose as well as the function.

So, what one must do to develop an appropriate design?

In order to offer a perfect design, one must first think before actually developing a design. Develop a perfect design with proper strategic thinking. This provides the base for good design that offers perfect user experience. Base is the important part of everything that one does while developing the design. Hence, if you skip that part then developers may design something that may not be liked by people or may not be used by them.

Hence, one must change the way one thinks to develop a perfect design that provides great UX. Few questions must be asked by designers to themselves before actually creating the design.

  • Is the design going to offer potential reward that sums up the time and effort used to develop it?
  • Does the function actually matters to the people? Will it suit the needs of the users?
  • Will the user expectations be fulfilled? Will they be able to understand the design properly?

All the answers to these questions develop the base for user experience and when once the decisions are filtered then these change based on the foundation of the great design. In case of time and budget constraints, it is difficult to do anything with the design but here you will concentrate more on the important things instead of urgent things.

Wind Up

Hence, from now on; web designers must keep these things in mind while framing an amazing design for the users in order to provide them proper user experience.

For more such updates, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, expert website developers in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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