The Faulty Plagiarism issue!!

October 30, 2014

Everyone has heard about the Internet marketing service and is aware that a copied content doesn’t work! Search engines like Google, Bing or MSN and Yahoo are making a constant check about the issue of content copied from the existing websites. The main effect is that it makes a fall in the rankings of a website via duplicate content. A faulty plagiarism results into spam content and makes the things complicated. Plagiarism issue Here are a few listed common mistakes that are headed by the content writers:

There are different formats available for content:

Different users use different devices like a printed friendly version makes to produce separate URL’s in different formats. In order to solve it a person is required to allocate one page as original and other subsequent pages as tag rel: canonical. Such hyperlinks tags lead to reference to the canonical page and let the different SE aware about the page known as hear reference .

Common errors while creating a URL to the website:

The common errors such as mistake in spelling, putting proper spaces, capitalizing of words so; a common difference of these relates the search engine to create a new link:

A wrong link placement leads to 301 redirect page code error.So, a duplicate content problem can be eliminated by proper use of URL’s.

Choosing a perfect domain:

The perfect domain name like www at the beginning includes links that are recognized by the search engines. A correct format of the preferred domain link should be used for internal links.

Short and useful boilerplate content on every page:

Every website contains a page of contact info which contains a legal disclaimer, address, contact number or the copyright point of interest. As opposed to making a duplicated substance one ought to pick a brief summary with an explanation and link it effectively.

Creating a large number of pages having duplicate content:

Many believe that having more number of pages is effective, but it leads to fall in the ranking of the site. Number of pages lead to duplicate content that is taken from some of the reference sites.These contents are taken a mark on the placeholder pages with faulty content. It ought to be carried out by making fitting nitty gritty data and erasing stubs from the made site.

Similar content in two or more pages:

The pages having the same content like service of web designing is offered then it is mentioned in other page of the site additionally, or if one is offering dress, then doing thesame content in every product pagecauses a result of duplicate content and creates a301 redirect code.

Plagiarism issue

Duplicate content: matching to other existing website:

Every service offered or product sold by a website needs a compulsory product description. It is known that one product is sold in many websites so there is a possibility of getting a manufacturer’s description copied and same existing to another website, so one should avoid copying and try to make a fresh new and Plagiarism issue unique content.

Wind Up:

Plagiarism issue in order to increase the traffic one should not use a copied content. Always give fresh write-ups to its website that helps to rate the search engines to high ranking. Get in touch with one of the well known Internet marketing services provider in India, Softqube Technologies to know more about other such good SEO ideas snd trips.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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