Conversion Estimates Available on Google Keyword Planner
November 22, 2014

Conversion rates as we all know is the main thing to track the efforts of our marketing campaigns or any other methods applied to increase the customer base. Previously, different tools were used to know this rate but now these conversion rates are easily available on Google Keyword Planner.
This will make it easy for SEO experts to select keywords that derive results and which keywords will give maximum conversion rates will be known. Further these conversion estimates report is also used to see mobile and desktop performance on various multiple conversion metrics.

Conversion Estimate Reports by Google
As per Google, these estimate reports are now easily available with Keyword Planner tool in AdWords. These will work based on any account’s previous conversion data or one can also enter its own conversion rates as well as values to know the impact of changes in bids to the metrics like estimated conversion, conversion values and conversion rates from mobile and desktop apps.
These estimates will be available according to the selected ad group, keywords, device used, location from where the website is accessed etc and many more. Select the respective tab and know your website’s conversion rates and get a clear picture as to where it needs to be improved.
So, these can be easily availed from “Get traffic forecasts for a list of keywords” from the Google Keyword Planner homepage. Now, it is easy for you to get the proper estimate of your marketing efforts from a single tool and make necessary changes as required.
Estimated Conversions by Google Adwords
A single website is accessed from several devices. Conversion rates are highly affected by the device used to access website. With Adwords, a detailed insight is available regarding the influence of ads on conversion types. With Estimated Total Conversions column, one can easily find the overall rates including cross device conversions, conversions via ads etc.
Benefits of estimated Conversions:
- People become aware about your business from various platforms. This helps to easily bifurcate online conversions, in store visits, campaign results etc.
- One can know the influence of Adwords Campaign on the conversion rates.
- Make proper business decision about online bidding
- Decisions regarding allocation of resources among online and offline marketing teams can be taken easily.
- Optimizing mobile bids. Adjust the data as per the device and compare the total conversions separately.
These cross device and cross browser conversions are estimated using overall data collected by the people who are using this account and based on that data, a total estimate of number of cross device conversions is created.
These conversions are further attributed to the last clicked ad before people purchase any product, submit a lead or download applications.
Wind up
Now, it’s time to manage your conversion rates through as you can easily get the estimated conversion reports through Google keyword planner tools. Get in touch with well known Online marketing services provider in India, Softqube Technologies to know more about conversion rates and how they can be utilized for the growth of your business.
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