Essential Factors to Consider Before You Decide to Outsource Mobile App Development

November 6, 2018

Essential Factors to Consider Before You Decide to Outsource Mobile App Development

A study refers that by the year,2020 there will be at least 6 billion users of smartphone across the globe. Now, isn’t that a huge number? The demand for smartphones is growing day by day, and the reasons to shift your business to the virtual world becomes more basic Outsource Mobile App.

As people are becoming more technologically sound, and the preferences for shopping and basic requirements are changing, it is time that businesses also shift with the change, in order to be able to sustain in the dynamic environment.

As a matter of fact, today, businesses have already started moving bases – all those companies that never had an online presence, today, they have their official website and are also moving beyond basics to develop their own application – now this could be a mobile app or a web application. Mobile App development, thus has caught huge rage and the demand has gone by drastically. Today, people are either learning this skill by themselves by enrolling into classes or they are opting to outsource the area of mobile app development.

If you belong to the second category, then here are some basic factors that you might want to consider before you decide to outsource the mobile app development for your business

• The pricing factors

This feature had to top the chart. It is very important for you to do a trade-off between doing it yourself and outsourcing. You might have to spend some extra time, but that’s okay – as long as the results are as per what you wanted. However, if you think you are better off by learning the skill and doing it yourself in the price the outsourced company is offering, then you might have to think twice.

• Compatibility test

Now, what does that mean? Well, when you plan to outsource mobile app development, it is essential that the wavelength of your thoughts and that of the app developer team matches. You can always have a list of developers and then take your own sweet time to select the one that you think will meet up to your expectations because of the compatibility you share. Maybe, having a look at their previous works will help you take this decision.

• A clear picture of expectations

When you have decided to go for an external source for your app development, do not be unclear about what you want. It is important, that you very clearly communicate to the app developer what your requirements are. You may be unsure of how it will happen, and that is OK – because, after all, you are outsourcing the mobile app development only because you don’t know the path of your goal, right? Well, the below are some basics on which, you might want to do your homework well
a) Have your mind clear of the idea – what do you want to show to your target audience?
b) Do you want to hit the target market, or you want to attract new customers as well?
c) A complete list of functions and features that you want your mobile app to include
d) Do you want just an MVP app or a full-featured app with all facilities?
e) Also, decide on what are you expecting from the developer – just the design? Just an idea? Or complete app development?
f) Having a fair idea of the platform you want the app to be developed will help
g) Do you want extra services like web admin panel, promotional banners etc?
h) The exact budget and timelines

• Testing different versions

Mobile app development has a lot of versions and stages to it. Just ideation and development of the app isn’t enough. It is important for the app developer to ensure that each part of the app is tested for bug fixes, legal requirements user experience. Thus, always just opt for those app developers that will include all of these things in their list of services. Also, before you finally head out to register your app for download, it shall be tested for the versions and then released. This is also the job of the app developer.

• Check on responsiveness, timelines and quality

Last but not the least, aren’t these some basic yet important criteria’s that you shall keep a tab on? It is very important for you to have a look at how responsive the company is! It should not be like you have contacted them today, and they are responding to you at their leisure. If this is the case just at the beginning, imagine how laid back they could get while doing the mobile app development? Apart from that, also check if they are meeting deadlines along with the utmost quality, as promised and depicted at the start of the contract.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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