E-Commerce Web Development: The Future of Chat Bots Decoded

October 22, 2018

E-Commerce Web Development: The Future of Chat Bots Decoded

Artificial intelligence has been on a graph that has been going up and up since mankind has understood the basics of it, and the results are seen to be more effective. Chatbots are the best inventions of Artificial Intelligence and there is no denying them in the fact. In the conference of Facebook F8, the company had declared that they will also use Chatbots for the E-Commerce web development of the application and messenger tool.

While Chatbots were being used even before this announcement, this big news paved the path for more people and companies to accept this technology. Since then, there has been a huge increase in the use of this technology.

What is a Chatbots?

Divide the word into two – Chat and bot. They are artificial humans who are designed and computer programmed in such a way that they can chat with customers and since they are programmed, they have multiple programs within them. This helps the chatbots to solve multiple queries of customers at a single point in time, in comparison to FAQS or defined artificial intelligence that could handle only one customer at one point in time.

Chatbots can either chat or can also handle voice calls or texts, very similar to human. Just that the chatbots are programmed and can perform only those tasks that they are programmed to do, which humans can think logically and solve any other query that is not anticipated.

A chatbot uses the NLP – Natural Language Processing. They are designed to solve queries and interact with customers in the natural language.

What will a developer do to get you a Chatbots?

When you hire a developer for your E-Commerce web development, the developer should by default suggest you a chatbot based on your requirements. The developer will either develop a complete new chatbot for you, or they will integrate your existing tools with a chatbot. The latter will help you to keep all existing web apps, with a new twist of technology – chatbots.

Importance of Chatbots

If you are tossing between going for a chatbot or just increasing your manpower for the company, then you must actually consider the first option. Well, don’t just go by our words and see below for the top benefits of chatbot –
• They are available round the clock: Yes, if you want your chatbots to function at any time of the day, there is no problem. They are machines and use Artificial Intelligence – that’s it.
• Chatbots can be installed directly in your app: Yes, this increases the accessibility and readiness of usage for the chatbot. You do not need any extra apps to be able to use the chatbot. They can be directly synced in with your existing web application and you are all ready to use your very own personalized chatbot
• Program them to perform multiple tasks: Chatbots will do everything they are programmed for. If you, as a developer code them to run a report, answer customer queries and do a product search at the same time – they can do all at once. However, the only catch here is that you can expect the chatbot to think logically or analyze your data.
• Use Chatbots to build customer relationships: If you are always available, solving customer queries with 100% satisfaction, then aren’t you walking towards building strong relationships with your customers?

How do chatbots work?

There are two main tasks that happen within a chatbot when a request is received
• Analysis of the user request
• Responding back to the request

Once the chatbot receives the request, it is processed and the chatbot identifies intents and programs related to the query. The chatbot finds the related programs and runs it. The results are then composed into a reply through the Natural Language Processing and the request is then responded back in the natural language.
This process may look simple, but the developer knows the complexity of programming that goes in while E-Commerce web development.

The future of Chatbots

Today, almost all companies are moving towards this advanced technology, all thanks to the multiple benefits that it brings to the table. A Chatbot has the ability to comprehend simple and complex customer queries and hence, once it is programmed in the right way – it can do a lot of tasks at one go. From colour, size, shape – a chatbot can search almost everything. For big companies who need a lot of customer service executives, this technology is coming handy.

In fact, in a lot of companies, chatbots are now replacing manpower to handle mundane and manual customer queries. This way, the company is able to use their manpower in other better and analytical tasks. So, what are you waiting for? Hire a developer today and get your very own chatbot ready.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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