II - DevOps Tool: SCM (Source Code Management) | Softqubes
II – DevOps Tool: SCM (Source Code Management)
DevOps Source code management

II – DevOps Tool: SCM (Source Code Management)

DevOps Tool: SCM (Source Code Management)

For any IT company, Source code management (SCM) becomes the
fundamental element of a development project. In this phase, the
development teams work and evolve with collaboration.

SCM ensures you get what you want from what you have. It doesn’t start
with the production but also is involved in the development phase. SCM
offers the team various benefits that serve as safety nets. SCM can be
undertaken either formally or rigidly. Also, it can be performed in
several other informal ways. 


The core purpose of SCM is enumerated below:

  • To track the modifications to a source code repository
  • To keep a check on the running history of changes to a
  • To facilitate in resolving conflicts that arise during the merging
    updates from varied contributors
  • Synonymous with version control

SCM contains several benefits listed below

  • Team Work and Collaboration
  • Version history
  • Code Backup
  • Create release notes

With SCM implementation, you will always follow the
best practices that reflect the reason for its creation.

  • Frequent commitment
  • Make sure the user uses the latest version
  • Always make detailed notes
  • Before making the commitment – always review
  • Check with the branch team consent

SCM Tools:


Version Control:

Version control system tracks and controls the location changes that
comprise a particular set of files remaining for a longer duration. The
VCS system is also utilized for the storage of image and layout


Benefits of Version Control System

  • Version storage
  • Previous versions storage
  • Collaboration
  • Back up Facility
  • Situation Analysis

 What is Git?

Git must be used for tracking all the changes that take place in
various sets of your files. Git is that version control system that we
can use for coordinating the work of the programmers. In the majority of
cases, it is used for source code management in software development.
The action takes place with various goals attached to it like data
integration, supportive distribution, non-liner workflows, etc.

We can use vcs for:

  • Storage
  • Sharing
  • Differentiating
  • Tracking changes
  • Rolling back
  • Removing the fear of making changes
  • Avoiding computer glitches
  • Conserving old states

Basic commands of Git:

$ git init

Git repository initialization in a local folder.

$ git status

Status check of git repository

$ git add .

changes added to the working directory and staging area

$ git commit -m “message”

takes the snapshot of the current project’s staged changes.

$ git remote add <URL>

local repository connection to remote git repository.

$ git push

content upload of local repository to a remote repository.

$ git checkout <branch>

Specific branch checkout as a working directory.

$ git diff <ver1> <ver2>

Version specific comparison of git repository.

$ git clone <URL>

cloning of remote repository to local folder.

$ git pull

remote git repository merging with changes to local git repository.

Few Advanced commands of Git:

Merging vs. Rebasing


When you want to work with the divergent history, select Git. The git merge and git rebase
commands provide different ways for commits integration from various
branches. Also, know that both the options come with their own

Resetting, Checking Out, and Reverting


The Git commands undo particular changes in your repository via git reset, git checkout, and git revert
commands. However, they create a varied impact at different places
with different combinations of the working directory, commit history,
and stages snapshot.

Advanced Git Log


Your project history becomes useful because of the git log command. Like most aspiring Git users, there is no doubt if you are
found scratching the surface of what is all possible with
git log.

Git Hooks


Hooks are special tools of choice that you can use for performing
custom actions during the happening of certain events. They always let
you normalize commit messages, notify continuous integration systems,
automate testing suites, and do much more.

Refs and the Reflog


Refs are the internal way of Git and refers to a commit. Since now
you must be already familiar with lots of categories of refs that also
include commit hashes and branch names. However, there are so many
other types of refs that are virtually used by Git command in some
form or another.


Software configuration management comprises several sets of policies,
procedures, and tools to lead to a successful development process. Git
is a VCS that tracks the changes in computer files. And GitHub offers an
online git repository hosting service with a web interface to upload the
files. Various operations of the branching are – create, merge, delete,
and checkout a branch. The entire system is impressive because it
facilitates the team to work in coordination so that they can perform
the changes in an orderly fashion from the idea generation to production
to retirement. This can surely avoid chaotic and ambiguous situations in
the future. 


Nitin Suvagiya

Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.