Dark Social Cloud: An important thing in Digital Marketing
January 10, 2015

If we look around us, what’s the most important thing that digital marketers look for is tracking the traffic via dark social cloud. With this , one can get qualitative as well as quantitative traffic. So, what dark social cloud is and how is it useful in Digital marketing.
Let’s learn something about it
Everywhere you will hear this word “Dark social cloud”. What does this “Dark Social” mean? It refers to the traffic derived from various untraceable sources like as links sent via emails, messages sent via mobile applications or we can say links sent via advertisements etc.
Traffic from social media sites is generally tracked easily while those from these platforms is difficult to track and the traffic tracked with dark social is known to be three times more than that from standard social media tools.

How is the traffic tracked?
Let’s suppose one of your friend’s has sent you a recommendation via email to see a link of any particular product or content that is useful to you. This is one to one referral. While in case of social media, you share the links with huge audience.
Here, in dark social the sender selects the recipients and then using dark social it understands the way people utilize the product, content when not in public. It is a completely new strategic way of utilizing social responses.
For instance, you receive any link from a friend for a new product that he/she has purchased. Instead of purchasing the product from that link, you just have a look and close it. So, next time there’s possibility that the product manufacturing company can retarget you and show you the ads so that you can buy one and now the company is also aware that you were recommended by a friend so it will also target your friend.
As a result, company has the chance to have two potential customers instead of one and this is the magic of “dark social”.
Challenges with Dark social
One of the main challenges while using dark social is how to find ways in order to track those privately sent links i.e. via emails, messages etc. Certain vendors have come with a solution of adding a traceable code to the URLs that will be copied and pasted in to emails, messages and other forms of private messaging.
Then the codes available in to these copied URLs will link back to the original place from they were copied. Certain people use share buttons or provide their own link shortening tools. Instant messengers are now thinking of any better ways to track t these links and this is one of the reasons Face book acquired Whatsapp.
A whatsapp share button is really providing more traffic and then as time passes , many more innovations will be seen in dark social clouds.
Wind Up
Dark social cloud is in its beginning stage and still many companies are getting good advantage of it from their respective markets. Its future will be very much bright and will provide a good quality market as compared to that provided by social media world.
For more information on this new concept of digital marketing, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies; a well known online marketing company India.
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