Creating Web Forms that boost Conversion rates

September 29, 2015

Creating Web Forms that boost Conversion rates

Many web designers lack the expertise of developing web forms that actually convert and this is one of the main reasons; businesses get less customers. Web forms are an important part of any website.

Effective web forms can create a perfect impression in the minds of clients. This further helps to increase conversion rates. It is one of the most opted ways to get more clients and this is the way through which one can get required information about clients.

Designing Narrative Forms:

A standard web form will have few required fields that can collect the basic contact details such as name, email address and contact details. But with narrative forms, one can get basic information as well as other details.

These forms have the ongoing conversation with the clients instead of just collecting basic information. Such forms keep the clients engaged by asking them to fill up the details along with the regular information. This becomes somewhat personal.

Such forms will provide you amazing results. It is an investment with maximum return.

Deciding the Form Length:

Another important question is whether web forms should be short or lengthy. But the fact is there’s nothing to do with the length of the form. But it is found that less fields in any form tends to increase conversions.

But here again quality is absent with quantity. This means few fields can bring lots of inquiries but how many of these are real is a matter of question. So, it shows that more fields that ask details rather than just contact information can bring more of quality leads.

However, this depends on the objective of the business. If the client is interested in quantity leads then short forms are welcomed but when it comes to quality; narrative forms are very useful.

Make use of Clear labels and explanations:

The basics of designing a web form must always be remembered. It is advisable to use clear labels and explanations in the forms as this will make it easy to identify the problems which will stop the confusions.

Clarity is more important when it comes to designing web forms. Labels make it easy for users to understand the type of information required.

Include only necessary registration:

Asking users unnecessarily to get registered can reduce conversion rates. Let’s say customer is ready to buy product but during checkout he/she is asked to get registered and now this can be the cause that customer leaves your site and switch to your competitors.

So, ask for registration only when needed. Forceful registrations are harmful for business. Checkout process forms must be as short as possible as this will make it easy for customers to carry out the checkout process smoothly.

Wind Up

Designing web forms is an important part of web design. Hence, it’s necessary to adopt best practices for the same. Bad designs can reduce conversion rates. So, these tips must be kept in mind when designing web forms.

For more such tips, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, Web Design company in India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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