Selecting a Content Management System for your Business? Avoid these mistakes:

October 17, 2015

Selecting a Content Management System for your Business? Avoid these mistakes:

Business owners tend to do several mistakes but some mistakes are such that can never be compensated. Even a little silly mistake can take a toll over business and it can take years to fill the gap.

So, try to avoid silly mistakes as much as you can and this can be easily done by learning from those who were already there in your position.

Content Management System

You might be thinking that why the starting of this blog post begins like this when the title says something about content management system? But the thing is; selecting a CMS ( abbreviated form of Content Management System) is an important decision for any firm and if you make some silly mistakes while choosing one then your business can be at risk.

Note: *Applicable to only those businesses that have a website or planning to develop one.

Selecting the Right CMS:

If you have the perfect CMS for your business then your efficiency to deliver the right content as well as improving customer experience will be increased. This will help you to generate more revenue.

So, avoid these mistakes:

  • Selecting an All rounder CMS: It’s a human tendency to get much more at less cost and this is one of the main factors that act when it comes to choose the one from the bulk. Most of the business owners want a CMS which can serve the purpose of a CRM (customer relationship management system), email marketing platform and lots more.This is actually a good thought but then you will get a platform which will jack of all but master of none. So, always select software that does one or two things in a perfect manner instead of selecting the one that is all rounder.Keep in mind: Always choose a CMS that manages content in an effective manner. Yes, it can have the option to integrate other softwares as well.
  • Selecting a CMS without knowing its benefits to your business: Before you purchase any product, you must be aware about its benefits, features that it offers and an important thing is to know how these will benefit your business.It is very easy to get attracted with the features but think in terms of business and only choose the one if it actually is beneficial to your business. Always be a smart customer; know everything about the CMS before you actually own it.First of all note down your requirements, what actually you want CMS to do for your business and then based on those needs; choose the one that is best for you. It is very simple like as before purchasing a Smart phone you know what features and specifications you are in search of and so you purchase it accordingly. Same is the case here.
  • Selecting a CMS based on the budget: So, now you are aware about the features you need in a CMS to satisfy your business needs. But now the fuel of purchasing; money comes into the picture.Here, you may get confused because sometimes the thing that you want may not be in your budget. This is a very confusing situation. Isn’t it?But, we are here to remove your confusion: When you are buying a CMS, forget about the budget; just keep the features in mind that are satisfying your business needs because purchasing the one that fits in to your requirements will help you to get maximum return on investment.

    So, prepare your budget keeping in mind the benefits you need from any CMS instead of selecting a CMS within a budget which later on may be of no use to you!

  • Selecting a CMS based on reviews and recommendations: Never ever in your life do this thing. Reason: Your needs are totally different from the one who has recommended you or posted a review about any CMS.Everyone has different perspective, different point of views. Some things may work for you but not for others. Yes, read them but don’t take decision based on them.
  • Involving wrong people in CMS Selection: CMS is a system. Now, systems are mostly handled by IT people. So, obviously; a normal business owner will think to involve IT staff in the selection process.But this is wrong. They are not the ones who are aware of your business needs. Hence, it is necessary to include those people who actually is aware about the business goals and also all those who are involved in promoting the business and increasing revenue.In short, every department that is somehow related to CMS including IT must be involved in decision making process and based on everyone’s inputs; owner can decide what to purchase.
  • Know what exactly CMS will do for your business: A perfect CMS is an asset to a company but you must know how exactly it will be useful to your business. It is not Aladdin’s Lamp.Have patience it will definitely work you if it is selected as per the needs but be completely aware about what you are purchasing for a particular amount. Don’t get disappointed later on.Particularly for this thing; never make hasty decisions. Take sufficient time to understand each and every aspect and then you will know what actually you want. This will be a key to get a perfect product.

Wind Up

Refer this guide before selecting the content management system for your business. Here, we have covered the most commonly occurred mistakes. If you are aware of some more, do let us know.

If you want to get the CMS developed by experts then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, CMS development Company in India where expert web developers will fulfill your needs and provide the one that matches the objective.

Stay tuned with us for more such suggestions, ideas, advices, tips and tricks on various aspects of IT field. Do share this post if you feel it really useful.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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