Three Communication Mistakes That Web Developers Must Avoid

May 9, 2015

Three Communication Mistakes That Web Developers Must Avoid

If we closely take a look around us, we hardly communicate with one another and sometimes communication gap is the one that actually creates the problems. Talking about business, we can see communication is the biggest problem.

But have we ever focused on why this is the problem? Why do results generally fail our expectations? The reason either we are unable to give sufficient time to find the perfect solution for the same or those whom we have outsourced our projects are unable to understand our needs.

Yes, sometimes when we assign our web development projects, times are there that communication breakdown is often a problem with web developers. So, how is it possible to eradicate these communication issues and get the web development project completed successfully which perfectly matches our needs.

So, here we have come up with three looking silly but important mistakes that web developers must avoid to ban the communication breakdown issue with their clients. Let’s move on and discover them:

Communication Mistakes to be avoided:

Three Communication Mistakes to Avoid

Well, the simple thing is to define a perfect communication strategy which outlines all the design needs, budget constraints as well as marketing plans and make sure you don’t do the following:

  • Setting Unrealistic Deadlines: Never set the deadline up to which you are unable to finish your work. Before setting a dead line, think thousand times and also keep in mind your work load. Yes some clients may do it with but not all will accept the delay in project.

    Only choose the deadlines on which actually you will be able to submit your work. Also, prevent spending long time on one phase of the project, if you are unable to get the result leave it and try it after sometime. Learn to differentiate between important and urgent and focus first on what it urgent.

    Let’s say if design has some issues and takes a week more than expected and your set deadline must be moved a week ahead. But, if you don’t allow sufficient time to your project then quality may suffer.

    So, always commit deadlines which can be adjusted or offer a rough estimate but don’t give deadlines that you fail to submit work on.

  • Always provide Timely Feedback: Every time in an ongoing web development project, there’s two way communication. A part of project is done and is sent to the client for review later you expect their feedback in order to progress ahead.

    In the same manner, when client is asking feedback then web developers must reply promptly and in case they need some time then it must be clearly specified to the client that you will get back to them within certain specified time.

    Delay in feedback can put the project on halt thus causing it finish longer than decided. Hence, be flexible but allows ensure to offer feedback on time. This will reduce frequent communication breakdowns and frustrations thus maintaining good relationship with clients.

  • Make use of Necessary Project Management Tools: If you are in need of something that client can give you which make your work easy then don’t hesitate to ask for it. Several tools are available that make project management easy.

    Yes, always ask the client’s permission or offer them a suggestion that using xyz tools will help you to accomplish the tasks at a greater speed. Some examples of web development tools that actually make project handling an easier task are as follows:

    • Bug Herd
    • Smartsheet
    • Basecamp etc.

Wind Up

Hence, be as much clear as you can. Ask every question that doubts you because working with a doubt can actually lead you to huge troubles later on. Try to make communication as smooth, easy as possible as it will help to complete web development projects at a faster speed.

Wish to get in touch with expert web developers having effective communication skills then stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, web development company India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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