How Much Time Does iPhone App Actually Take to Build?

August 31, 2014

Most of the companies are often somewhat surprised at how long it takes for App Development from beginning to the end. While applications are run on mobile phones and don’t normally take up a lot memory, they even take a good deal of time to plan, design, program and launch. Although they seldom take as long to develop as a complete software app, most apps in general acquire as a minimum two to three months to develop from start to finish.

Classic iPhone App Development Timeline

Architecture and Scheduling – around 3 weeks:

Throughout this phase of the project each and every facet of the application are thought out. Beyond a plain idea of what the app requests to do and how it requires looking, what further resources are desirable? Does the Application necessitate connecting to an exterior database? The whole app is mapped out commencing start to finish. We calculate approximately that it should take 2.5 to 3 weeks for this stage, however the larger, more complex the app, the more amount of time it will take obviously.

Towards the end of this stage, you should have a mapped out architecture of the application.

Design Phase – 3 Weeks:

This phase is where apps are developed to demonstrate how it will look. Color schemes are executed, comp images are placed in and place holder text is normally used at the beginning of this phase. We work with our customers to recognize their branding message and bear that through the app. This phase should take almost three weeks, but as I said, can be slowed down if well-timed feedback is not received by the client.

Towards the end of the Design Phase you should have complete design apps that will be developed in the next phase.

Development Phase – 5 to 8 Weeks:

This phase of the project has your designs been handed over to the developers with the intention that they can appropriately code the app. Any and all functionality is put up into the application, the entire coding is performed and pages are appropriately linked. Development time can fluctuate drastically based upon the density of the app.

Towards the end of the phase you should have the primary version of your totally working app.

Testing Phase – 1 to 2 Weeks:

The testing part is one of the most vital phases of the projects. Some customers desire to cut down on the testing phase or remove it altogether to save time, we extremely discourage doing that. Because this phase ensures that the app works correctly, all databases are linked, there are no wrecked links in the application, and all works as was intended.

Towards the end of the testing phase, everybody should be convinced that the application works as estimated and has the uppermost probability of success.

Deployment Phase – 7 to14 Days:

This is the end where the application is submitted to Apple and expects approval. Though approval times have significantly improved since the App Store was foremost launched, we usually tell our clients to expect anywhere from 7 to 14 days to get their application approved.

Towards the end of this point you should have a completely functioning app organized to be downloaded.

In Summery- All above are estimated timelines. How long time will it take to develop an app is no easy answer. The true answer is it depends on requirements. So plan accordingly. At times, it might be surprised you, some people can’t explain what their app needs to do.that time it consumes some effort and cost to help them document the app idea. But once the scope of work, requirements and milestones are decided, then it will be very simple to work with the development team to move ahead.

Keeping frank contact between project managers and the customer has permitted us to remain on track with development timelines and send apps on time or before time in most cases. So, make amazing Development of iPhone App with us.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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