The Best Choice for your business: Freelancer or Web Development Agency?

December 7, 2015

The Best Choice for your business: Freelancer or Web Development Agency?

Online industry is growing by leaps and bounds. It is like a nightmare to many businesses because several businesses are struggling to keep up with the ongoing changes. Here, the ages old rule ‘Survival of the fittest” applies perfectly.

If you can get something exceptional or something that your consumers have never even thought of then you are ahead of many sellers. In IT industry, the competition is very tight and dangerous. Hence, it is necessary to think of innovative and creative ways to attract your audience.

The reason; they will be expecting something different from your every time. Branding is the new concept in digital marketing field and it is the only way to influence people in the virtual world. Just you need to showcase the best of your creativity and you will get success in the virtual world.

Choose Best Choice for your Business

Websites are a true medium through which business can boost its brand thus crossing all the geographical barriers. So, it’s necessary to create a website which includes state of the art technology.

This shows how influential your brand is and how it attracts the clients thus transforming leads into customers. Website is the identity of your business. People visit it and move on. Some people get the services that they were in need of while some search for solutions, products which can fix their problems.

So, in short we can say that website is a place that fulfils the needs of customers. This will lead to a thought that you must hire someone to develop a website. But before hiring someone; you need to know about your business requirements and then select a web designer.

Research and analyze what happens around you however before that you must understand the difference between the firms that offer business specific solutions and kinds of services in which they specialize.

What to choose: Web Development Agency or Freelancer?

First of all, you must have a basic idea of how web development agencies work? If you are unaware of this, they you may not grab all the possibilities that help you to achieve success. Generally, business owners are unsure of what will help them to achieve success and this leads to wrong decisions.

So, if you are choosing a free lancer to do your web development tasks then you must know that they may be able to provide you a single solution for a web design but then you may not get solution as to how to increase conversions for a fully functional website.

How can it be promoted? How will people know about your site? Such things hold back your website from being completely visible to people. Several other sources like as photographers, illustrators, data entry operators, creative marketing executives are responsible for making a site creative, attractive as well as responsive enough to be liked by all.

So, what you should expect from a Freelancer as well as a Web Development Agency?

  • Know your business needs: Before actually hiring any web development agency or a freelancer, it is necessary that you must be aware about your business requirements. Purpose, functionality and size of the business are the main aspects that one must consider.

    Larger businesses have huge requirements and there is several numbers of factors that must be considered and fulfilled when you design a website. Let’s say if you are a huge eCommerce website of international level then you might have lots of requirements which are to be fulfilled.

    Things like managing product inventory, design aspects etc should be impressive enough to get more customers, secure payment gateways, server maintenance, content and all the important aspects of designing and programming must be implemented.

    This is possible only with proper team which can take care of all such services. Freelancers usually find it difficult to develop a project within a given time frame as they have less resources and expertise.

    Keeping this thing in mind; we can say that a development agency can easily meet these three major aspects of the business while freelancers might struggle to fulfill these requirements.

  • Effective Communication: At every stage of development process; it is necessary to have someone who will communicate with you and also discuss the further requirements along with considering the valuable suggestions.

    On the other hand, web development agency possesses a huge team that operates across the various sectors of a single website and no miscommunication occurs. The project manager is responsible for client communication.

    He/she keeps on updating you about the project status at regular intervals. These managers have good knowledge of project flow and are experts in software engineering. Companies have real time software updaters which will offer timely updates about the project status.

    Whereas talking about freelancers, every part is with different individual and so different people will communicate differently. This creates a communication gap which cannot be filled and you will not be updated with regular information.

    Hence, in terms of communication as well; a web development agency serves to be the best option.

  • Time and efficiency: Web development agency possesses all the necessary resources and can do anything to fulfil your needs. In case the company feels that yours is a time consuming project then will inform you before hand and they will also hire more experts to get the work done within stipulated time frame.

    While some freelancers may or may not be comfortable with the given time frame and they have limited sources because they may work on several projects at the same time. This will affect the efficiency of your projects. Freelancers cannot handle emergencies.

    Here also, we can say that it is advisable to hire a web development agency for getting your website as well as web applications developed from experts.

Wind Up

Apart from those mentioned here; there are many more factors that play an important role in making a selection between a freelancer and a web development agency. We will discuss them all at ease.

This is it for now. If you have any such more details or would like to share your experience then you can get in touch with us. So, stay tuned with Softqube technologies; a well known Web development Company in India where all of your needs will be met easily by experts.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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