Select The PHP Development Company India Who Choose The Correct Framework
July 18, 2016

PHP is the most popular programming language that is used all over the world. The release of PHP 7 has made server side programming language better and more stable.
This language is used in the main projects as Facebook uses PHP for maintaining and creating its internal system. WordPress uses PHP for powering more than 26% of the web. At present PHP is adopted by more than 82% websites.
Some of the PHP development company India points out the reasons for picking PHP framework. Even though raw PHP can be used for creating any application, the development standards need tools and time management skills for meeting the current demand.
For selecting the framework, consider few things like features, functionalities, scalability, LTS support, community support, etc.
Here is an overview of some frameworks:
- Symfony:- Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components that enables the developer to create scalable and high-performance applications. With so many components, the developers are free to experiment and work in RAD environment. The API enables easy integration with third-party apps is used with front-end frameworks like Angular JS. PHP development companies in India uses this framework for many projects like Drupal and PHPBB.
- Laravel:- Laravel is the most known PHP framework for web artisans, and it offers the excellent community as a framework. In May 2015, version 5.1 of Laravel was announced, and it provides long-term support for two years. Most companies provide Laravel support and solution for applications.
- Yii:- Qiang Xue created this framework in 2008. It is secure, high-performance app or web development framework. Yii uses Composer dependency manager for PHP to handle different dependencies and installations. It is the fastest framework with lazy loading technique. The most attractive feature of this framework is that it can be integrated with jQuery. It enables front – end developers to embrace the framework quickly and use scaffolding for generating codes. Just like Symfony, Yii also utilizes components to allow rapid app development.
The reliable PHP development company selects framework that makes development process faster as you do not need to write complex queries for retrieving data from the database. It provides CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations. The developers can scale their system easily. Code maintenance becomes easier than vanilla PHP application as the codes are concise and easy to work with. The MVC model ensures rapid development and secures web application from common security threats. It follows DRY principle to ensure use of minimum codes and maximum impact.
In the present different PHP frameworks choosing the best one depends on upon the developer. Most of the companies like Softqube Technologies consider Laravel as the best framework and also uses the other Yii & Symfony frameworks. Select the PHP development company India by discussing and asking which the best framework is and what they use?
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