Enhance the Performance of Your Android Apps with Some Performance Boosters
May 15, 2015

Android apps are now most popular among today’s generation. If you take a look at mobile device, half of the memory is filled with app data. Apps can be popular only if there’s better user experience and better user experience can be gained from better performance.

How to Boost The Performance of Your Apps and The Answer Lies Here
- Avert Unnecessary Objects: The fewer items the mobile device has, the better it is. Hence, avoid creating unnecessary objects and make use of trash or garbage collector to remove all the unnecessary objects.
- Prefer Using Static Field over Virtual ones: Static field prove to work faster than virtual fields. Hence, always use static fields to enhance the performance of the mobile apps.Always mark the values as final so that they will remain static on permanent basis.
- Forget Getters and Setters: While developing android apps, it’s advisable to ignore getters and setters as this doesn’t work with Android devices because virtual calls are really expensive and getters setters must be used only for public and not private.
- Make use of Enhanced “For Loops”: For Loops are loved by all developers. However, making use of “enhanced For Loops” tends the app to work faster.
- When UI is hidden let out the memory: When the application is forced to be in the background at that time let out the entire memory and hence foreground apps will be able to use the memory in a proper manner.
- Use Services Smartly: Services must be used only when we actually need them, they must be stopped when we are not working on them. This is because when service is active, the process to keep that device active also is carried out thus reducing the memory for other operations ultimately increasing the load on the operating system of the device.
- Avoid using Bitmaps: Bitmap images consume a lot of memory. Hence, always select a bitmap size that matches the app resolution as this will consume less memory thus providing a good app user experience.In case you are facing memory issues and it’s ok with you to have low user experience then you can use low resolution bit map images.
- Remove unnecessary codes: ProGuard is a tool available for android developers used to shrink, remove, and hide the unnecessary code. This makes the code easy to use as it will need very less RAM pages to be mapped to the memory.
- Avoid using Dependency Injection Frameworks: Certain commercial applications make use of dependency Injection Frameworks due to some business needs. These actually reduce the performance of the application.Hence, it’s advisable to reduce their usage except when these are strongly needed.
Wind up
So, with these performance boosters one can easily increase the performance of android apps that will enhance the user experience. Try any of these and see the results. For more results, you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known Android Apps Development Company India.
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