A/B Testing: Whether to do it yourself or hire an Agency?

November 30, 2014

When it comes to online marketing approach, A/B testing is used to optimize the response rates. This testing is used to compare the web pages with one another. The page that gives the maximum response rates is utilized the most.

A/B Testing looks simple but its execution is very hard. For instance, while using A/B testing it is crucial to identify whether it is a practical difference in customer behaviour or just a result by coincidence.

Can A/B Testing be opted for all SEO scenarios? Or it must be used for any predetermined applications?

Today, we will learn about some of the factors for proper A/B Testing. So, if you are new to A/B Testing then this is for you:

Optimize Your Business

Lack of Proper Sample Size

For A/B testing, a perfect sample size is required so that every single internet marketing campaign is tested properly. Let’s say you have one PPC campaign running and there’s another campaign created.

In order to check which campaign will give the desired results, we will use A/B testing to use both campaigns. If the former campaign gives the required results then it must be adopted as one of the online marketing techniques and the second one must be eliminated.

In simple words, out of many campaigns the one that is useful for rendering maximum results must be used as an effective digital marketing strategy. But, in order to identify the suitable campaign, it is necessary to have a proper sample size.

To know the exact sample size required for A/B testing, it is advisable to use various A/B tracking tools that consist of sample size calculators. This is useful to know your calculations as well as the accuracy of any test.

So, before using any technique make sure it is tested properly with a perfect sample size.

Indirect Damage

Sometimes we wish to test the strength of people that click on the link: find out more or know more which redirects them to another page or number of people that click on “Buy it now”.

This can be done via A/B testing but before using this technique it is important to have a clear image of your aim so that tests can be designed and executed in such a way that it directly reaches the goal.

So, when you concentrate on the number of customers rather than clicks or vice versa if your goal is to increase quality scores then you can frame the A/B test design accordingly.

A/B Testing only for big companies

If yours is a small business enterprise then A/B testing might not be for you. This is because big websites tend to run thousands of tests in a day while small firms hardly run one or two.
If you are aware that large business enterprises achieve the required results with the help of A/B tests then you can easily take their ideas for landing page.

And then you can use that test for your current website pages.

Wind Up

Along with this, there are still more factors to be understood for proper A/B testing which we will discuss in our next blog. For more information about this process, get in touch with well known online internet marketing service provider, Softqube Technologies that can offer you the required assistance for A/B Testing process.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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