Basic eCommerce Marketing Tactics That Save Your Time and Money

June 11, 2015

Basic eCommerce Marketing Tactics That Save Your Time and Money

Every online store owner is constantly in search of finding some exciting ways to get traffic and for this; many have invested much of their time, money and energy but ultimately have resulted into low conversion rankings.

eCommerce Marketing Tactics

Facebook Advertisements, Google Adwords, SEO, Blogging, Social media and guest posting are some of the ways through which one can get traffic. Yes, times are such that they don’t work as needed. There may be innumerable reasons for the same.

Yes, your website may experience maximum bounce rates. In order to fix all such issues; Today, here we will go through some basic foundational marketing tactics which will help us to convert visitors into customers and getting more of quality visitors.

Basic Marketing Tactics to get desired results:

  1. Product Upsell: This is one of the important marketing tactics that offers you the ultimate opportunity to provide those complimentary products to the customers in which they are interested the most or that help to increase the average order value.

    As per an eCommerce analyst, product recommendations are responsible for 10 -30% of increase in eCommerce revenue.

  2. Newsletter Subscriptions: When visitors leave your website, make sure that they sign up for your newsletter. Sometimes they don’t want to purchase any product but subscribing to newsletters will help them to stay updated with the latest products available on your online store.

    So, for this it is necessary that at the time of checkout, a popup asking for newsletter subscription should be available on the website. Yes, some websites provide certain amount of discount on the products for those who sign up for their newsletter.

    Even though these pop ups may be annoying they have a higher ratio of conversion as compared to normal sign up forms. The reason we all know that email marketing is one of the best techniques to get maximum return on investment.

  3. Abandoned Cart Email: These are important in eCommerce. Nearly 68% of people leave their carts. So, Abandoned Cart emails provide an opportunity to bring the customer back to complete the transaction. It is very similar to re-targeting.
  4. Adwords Re-targeting: Re-targeting with the use of Google Display Ads is one of the useful tactics that boost your brand’s presence in the minds of people. Further, certain websites offer some discount to those who come back to the e- store by means of re targeting.

    These are very much effective as compared to traditional online ads and visitors re targeted with display ads are likely to get converted at the earliest.

  5. Retargeting via Facebook: Retargeting using Facebook is also a useful technique that drives more customers. The reason, Facebook is used by everyone and so ads displayed there are visible the most. As a result, business owners get more conversions via Facebook Retargeting.
  6. Referral Offer: Yes, certain eCommerce shopping sites like as offer some points or discount upon successful completion of the order. Referral marketing is important here as it provides a perfect opportunity to the customers to talk about you.

    It’s always seen that most of the people purchase products based on the recommendations from their friends and relatives.

Wind Up

So, adopting these few eCommerce marketing techniques; one can easily reduce the wastage of resources such as time, energy and money. To get more guidance about developing business on the internet, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider India.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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