Call to Action Buttons that Attract Users and Compel them to Act

November 17, 2015

Call to Action Buttons that Attract Users and Compel them to Act

No matter whatever online activity you do; be it attending webinars, downloading e-books, getting free trials or filling any contact form; all of these will be of no use if your users don’t click and get converted.

It doesn’t make any difference if no one clicks your Call to Action. There’s of no use of such websites that have great content but very few customers. You must have both good content as well as good traffic.

So, before creating the appealing Call to Action buttons; make sure to keep these things in mind:

  1. Colour is not everything: When it comes to choose the colour for Call to Action buttons we can say that there are no such hard and fast rules however the colour should be selected keeping in mind the specific message that is to be delivered.

    While choosing colours for your CTA; it is necessary to choose a colour which stands out and looks something different. We can say that colour is not the only thing on which everything depends.

    It can be optimized in a way that it can be used to motivate target audience. This is true for every Call to Action element that you are optimizing. Forget viewing it as an independent factor instead it must be related as a part of the larger picture, the one that is personalized, targeted and proven effective for a specific target audience.

  2. Use clickable Buttons: Various web designers have a tendency to over design any website. Here, the rule of KISS that is Keep It Simple and Stupid is widely useful. This principle proves its worth when you wish to optimize your websites.

    Simple Call to Action buttons are more effective as compared to that of Fancy ones.

    Use Clickable Buttons

    This can be proved when you test the buttons using A/B Test.

    So, always choose buttons with a simple clear design having contrasting and attractive colours.

  3. Include Urgency: Compel users to take action on that particular moment itself. This can be done by creating time based urgency like as adding time sensitivity to your messaging. This theory was very well tested by a well known IT firm.

    The impact of time based urgency can be easily useful with the help of A/B testing and the conclusion says that advertisements having urgency are likely to get more clicks as compared to that where urgency is absent.

    Urgency is the concept that is widely used by well known websites like as Amazon.

  4. How to get Call to Action? In order to have perfect Call to action; it is necessary for you to opt for CTA best practices and you will get thousands of results. Those elements which can be optimized using CTA are as follows: Wordings, colours, placement, design, size, shape and lots more.

    Here are some quick calls to action best practices which can be used to make your CTA work:

    • Always keep Call to Action above the fold: In order to grab someone’s attention to your website, it is necessary to have CTA button placed at such places where visitors have their eyes on.

      But sometimes; we fail to do so and it is our misconception that people will scroll through the entire page.

    • Follow up Call to action can be used at the bottom: While writing a blog post; add a required call to action at the bottom of the post. Avoid using side bars for placing your CTA button.
    • Be clear about your offer: Let’s say your website has an offer “Download eBook for free”. Now, why will people download this eBook? What benefit will they get? What is the type of information they want to offer to the visitors?

      Website visitors might have questions like what is the need of downloading the eBook. How it will be useful for me? What is included in the eBook? Will this be useful in any way to the visitors?

      In case your Call to action fails to answer all these questions then be rest assured but you will definitely have low click through rates.

    • Use a relevant Call to Action: Your Call to action must reveal your business industry. Promote your business with such keywords and phrases that easily relate to your business.

      This will help you to get readers from each and every corner. Be it social media, email or search because visitors are interested in your product and service. Relevant ads work better as compared to random call to actions.

      Adwords Scan the content of the web page, keywords in the search query as well as the content in your email and then offers you the relevant ad which you can see when you are surfing internet.

Wind Up

There might be many such more tips that can help you to get a better call to Action for your website. If you wish to get a result oriented CTA designed for your website then you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, Web Design India where all necessary best practices are taken into consideration while developing any Call to Action button for any website.

Just show us your requirements, your business niche and your goals as well as ideas of how you want to have the one and then based on that; we will help you to get an amazing CTA designed which will cover all the trends as well as help you to get more customers.

For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned with us.

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Hari Patel

I am the Managing Director of Softqube Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a modern-day digital transformation, design and development service provider. We provide services to businesses of all verticals across the globe. I believe and live by a mission that I help more entrepreneurs to build, launch and grow profitable businesses.

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