How Android Wear Smart Watch is useful to Professionals?
March 29, 2015

We all know that technology has now a new invention called Android Wear Watch and it is one of the well known tech devices which people are very fond of. Previously, we had discussed about Android Wear Watch Face and today we are going to take a look at how these watches can be useful to professionals?

So, let’s start our discussion and make professionals aware about how can they be benefitted from this wearable android device?
Few Ways how professionals can benefit from using an Android Wear Smart Watch
Interaction: One of the useful features of this wearable watch is the ability to communicate via smart watch itself. This is useful for both regular customers and professional users as it synchronizes all the alerts and notifications and push it directly to the wrist.
This watch can avoid missing important calls. It is like whenever you get a call, the wrist watch vibrates and you immediately come to know someone has remembered you. For professionals who face the problem of missing important calls, this android watch is really useful.
For instance, when any professional is at a very noisy place chances are there that it may unable to feel the vibrations or listen to the phone ringing in its pocket , at such times wrist watch vibrations can be felt and thus important calls now never get missed.
Calls can also be replied via voicemail or pre written text in case the attendee is busy. So, now no more upsetting situations or guilt feeling for missing some important calls as android wearable watch has made this easy for you.
- Good in use while travelling: This is really surprising as to how can a watch be useful while travelling apart from just showing the time. So, this is not an ordinary watch, it’s an android wear watch which has all your data.
While travelling, it’s one of the most useful features “travel cards” serves as a helping hand. These travel cards pop up when any trip is scheduled in Google Calendar. This is really helpful as while catching the flight, when you are walking to the gate, the QR code pulls up quickly.
This is one of the useful and amazing features of Smart watch that is not available even in iPhones. With this Android Watch device, one can also confirm hotel reservations and then offers complete guidance if you are in need of it.
This Wear watch also is a good tool which can be used to track the time and distance from one location to another and then prepare your travel schedule accordingly. Some people go out very rarely and so they are not much aware about the route to their destination, for such people Android wear device is useful.
As it can help with daily commuting by keeping you updated with traffic conditions and quick as well as easy routes to your destination. It’s one of the useful features when you have several stops in the route.
- Schedules: Schedules help us to manage our time in an efficient manner. Mobile devices have made scheduling an easy task and now this feature is also available in Android wear device.
Just speak what you want to schedule and it is done in the watch. Quite easy, isn’t it? This is equally true for notes and reminders, voice memos and commands as this makes it easy to align all the important activities.
Even if the schedule is prepared via phone or computer, all notifications will be handled by Android Wear and this makes easy to manage the time at all places. Subject, time, location, appointments all are noted down so you can avoid looking at the calendar every time.
- Work Flow: Android Wear offers updated details for everything before you look for. This will help professionals to easily take necessary decisions and mould business into proper shape.
This works like if any employee needs urgent leave due to some illness then he/she can easily log in via smartphone and declare sick leave and this message will directly reach the project manager who is working with onsite clients and along with that he/she also gets info about any other employee who can work for that day.
And with a single tap on the smart watch, work is assigned to other employee and that employee receives on the spot notification for the new work assigned. Thus, the work flow continues smoothly without any kind of interruption.
Wind up
These few ways can definitely help professionals specially those at higher level to manage their tasks, organize their day effectively and efficiently. Hope this new updated post from Softqube Technologies, well known Android Apps Development Company in India will help to provide enough knowledge about this android wearable watch and its use in professional life.
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