Get More Battery Life from iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 and Other Android SmartPhones

January 3, 2016

Get More Battery Life from iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 and Other Android SmartPhones

Bought a new smartphone? Then you still might be learning how to use it and what things can you do with that? Isn’t it? So, till now you might become aware of features like playing games, watching movies, clicking images and lots more.

This means your mobile is worth the price that you have given. But, what about the power it consumes to do all these activities? This means your mobile needs to have a good battery backup.

Certain applications or tasks in your mobile can consume the battery quickly. So, in such situations; you will find different ways to boost the performance of battery; be it iOs or Android.

Here, in this blog post; we have mentioned few ways through which you can boost the battery performance of your Android or iOs phone.

So, let’s take a look at how you can do so:

  • Avoid getting battery completely used up: At times; you might have heard that it is necessary to charge your mobile completely and get it completely discharged so that there won’t be any memory effect.

    This rule is applicable only for NiMH batteries but the same doesn’t serve true for lithium ion batteries and most of the Android and iOs phone batteries are made using lithium ion.

    So, well known mobile manufacturers like as Apple and Samsung advice to get their batteries topped before they get completely drained out.

  • Avoid using Live Wall Paper: Most of the Android as well as Apple iPhones today come with lots of live wall papers. Some are in 3D which comes to life when you press the pressure sensitive 3D touch screen.

    These wall papers look awesome and offer a wonderful look to your device however these are the ones that consume huge battery power. Hence, it is advisable to use a still image instead of a live wall paper for a lock screen display.

  • Find Applications that consume less battery: We all have the advantage of knowing which app consumes how much battery.

    If you find some batteries consume too much of your battery and the mobile is getting drained faster then there are chances that the third party applications you use are eating your power away!

    To know which app consumes how much battery; you can go to Battery section in the Settings Page. Here, you will find the graph that shows battery usage as well as the list of apps which consume maximum power.

    You can uninstall those that take most of your power.

  • Location Settings: There are many apps on our device that ask for location permission. This can be to show driving directions or notifications about the shop of your interest.

    However, such apps tend use more battery. To avoid this, you can easily disable the setting for a particular app by going to Settings > Privacy> Location Services and then go to the respective app.

    Now, change its location permissions. In case you don’t need location services from the app then consider disabling the location completely.

  • Make use of Low Power Mode: Low Power mode is a feature that can be activated from the Settings Menu. When activated, this feature disables various features like as automatic email, background app refreshes and reduces visual effects which need more processing power.

    iOs devices automatically encourage you to activate this feature when your battery has reached 20% and 10% battery charge marks. It turns off automatically when the mobile is connected with the charger and has reached upto 80%.

  • It is advisable to use Wi-Fi: Mobile data makes it easier to stay in touch all the time but it reduces the mobile battery quickly especially when your mobile is in areas where there’s connectivity issue.

    When you don’t have any Wi-fi connection near you, then it is advisable to turn off the WiFi mode.

  • Airplane Mode: We often wonder what the use of this feature is. So, when you are in a location where there are weak signals then at such times the device consumes more battery as it is searching frequently for network.

    To stop getting the battery used unnecessarily, just switch on the Airplane mode till the time you are back to a place where the signals are available.

  • Fresh install: Are you struggling a lot with your smartphone battery’s life? Then Fresh install is the option for you. This includes wiping your phone easily and giving it a fresh start.

    But before doing this; keep in mind to have the back up in iCloud or Google Servers. To restore the iPhone, you can use iTunes. Once the process is over then you will be prompted in setup screen to restore the device from iCloud back up.

Wind Up:

Hope these tips will help you to save battery power. Let us know if you have tried any more of such tips and succeeded in saving your iPhone or Android’s battery so that after every few hours one doesn’t have to look for charger.

Try out these tips and do share your results. For more such tips; stay connected with us.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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