Various things to be learnt from Heat-maps

December 6, 2014

Heatmaps are one of the important tools used to analyze behaviour of visitors. It provides such insights that are not available through other tools and these help to increase the conversion rate. These are divided between mouse tracking and eye tracking heat-maps due to their price effectiveness.

So, here we are going to discuss about certain things that we have learnt from different heat-map tests:

The main difference between mouse and eye tracking heat map tests is that while using mouse tracking the data is availed from real visitors and in case of eye tracking maps, the data is derived from the sample of group of people who are brought out of their comfort zone. This may provide manipulated results. In case of eye-tracking heat maps, we can get 100% accuracy while in mouse tracking heat maps the accuracy remains between 85-90%.

Some more things that can be known from these tests

Content useful to your visitors must be on the top of the page

Most people scroll the pages further but they pay attention to only some places of the website. As per the study, the visitor’s website viewing time gets reduced as they go on scrolling the page. 80% of their time is spent on the content that is available above the fold. So, it is advisable to keep the important content of your business above the fold. As per the study 80.3 % of the content must be above the fold and 19.7% must be below the fold.

Discussing about the page resolution, it should be 1024×768 resolutions or larger one is also preferred. If you use a fluid layout on big screens then content amount above the fold will increase.

So, always remember to add the most important content above the fold near the header as content far away from the header or below it gets less attention from visitors and an important note people only scroll your web page if it forces them to scroll down. So, make your web design appealing enough so that people are tempted to scroll it.

Now, the study revealed that people spend most of their time at the bottom of the website and talking about the human mind, what we see at last is remembered for long. So, try to make maximum use of top and bottom space of any website.Heat-Maps Test & Results

Rapid Decision: People Buy what they see

When people are in a hurry to buy something they purchase what they see. Visual impact plays an important in taking the buying decisions. This reveals that when in hurry, visitors generally forget their personal preferences and choose from the options seen at that time.

This is an assumption for the marketers who have lot of potential. So, if a visual presentation supersedes the consumer preferences during the distracting environment such as online shopping then certain strategic changes can divert viewers’ attention.

Design your website in such a way that while in a hurry viewers can quickly find what they are looking for.

Wind up

Heatmaps are the latest tools used to increase conversion rates. Apart from the above mentioned, there are many more things that are to be learnt from the heat map tests which we will discuss in our coming blogs. Till that time stay in touch with Softqube technologies, a remarkable SEO Company in India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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